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The Ones With the Guns and $266 a Month

Well, they're at it again. Got another call at work at approximately 10 a.m. that the police were back at the house with a search warrant. This time they weren't looking for the armory that doesn't exist though. This time they wanted something far less sinister. They wanted Michael's vehicles and assorted garbage in the back yard.

Yes, you read me right - THEY HAD A WARRANT TO REMOVE GARBAGE FROM THE PROPERTY. When I say garbage what I meant is things like aluminum siding that he's been ripping off of the house during an exterior remodel. Some car parts. A stack of old tires. A broken dryer. So, no, I'm not talking about rat infested piles of trash - just things that were laying around due to the fact that Michael does not drive, has no license due to the fleeing and eluding charge and does not have money to plate and insure his vehicles to haul this junk away.

Apparently if you cannot afford to plate and insure your vehicles in the lovely city of Madison Heights, Michigan, they have THE RIGHT to take your personal property that you bought and paid for - even if it's in your own driveway and mostly hidden from the view of the street.

And so it goes on, and on, and on...

Now, let's be realistic here. Madison Heights, Michigan is hardly the crown jewel of Oakland County. Filled with depressing tract housing that was built in the 1950's to house the workers of the auto industry, it is less than an idyllic city. Wisteria Lane, it isn't. You might find some "desperate housewives" here but they definitely don't look like Eva Longoria and the homes are probably as big as the foyers of the houses on the set of Wisteria Lane. However, this makes NO DIFFERENCE to the city of Madison Heights. It seems that they only care about the outward appearance of a home that is inhabited by a certain Combat Vet.

How do I know this?

When you walk the neighborhood, you see all signs of disrepair and decay. In fact, if I saw this neighborhood in an Eminem video, I wouldn't be surprised. Like I said, this neighborhood is far from perfect. Honestly, it's rather depressing. The peeling paint, hanging gutters and broken driveways are par for the course in this neighborhood.

Speaking of broken...

While I'm at it, I again would like to reiterate that I am living with a Combat Veteran who has suicidal ideation and dark thoughts. He's also got something else that's broken. It's called his bank account. His income is $266 a month from VA disability. That's barely enough to keep the lights on - let alone plate and insure cars that he legally can't drive. However, this is of no concern to the city of Madison Heights, Michigan. This is just a very unfortunate situation for the Combat Vet.

WHY NOT take some of the only things he owns that are of any value though?

Is that the question that runs through their mind while they continue to harass this man? I mean, c'mon, let's be real here. $266 a month is barely enough to feed a dog. Yet they expect him to pay thousands of dollars in the Michigan Driver Responsibility Fees for a crime that he did not commit. Likewise, they expect him to pay to insure vehicles that WILL NOT be driven - all on $266 a month. Seems reasonable. NOT.

Not to mention the fact that I have to keep missing work to deal with the phone calls and court dates and other assorted bullshit that they put him through. Sure, I'm doing my best to help the situation out. However, I'm missing work and I work on commission. I have my own bills to pay as well. It's not that I don't want to help. I do. I just don't have enough to cover myself and him - or else I would do more. Scouts honor.

Regardless, they feel that they are not doing anything wrong. It was apparent as I was on the phone with Michael as he watched them take away things that he worked for (while he was still able to work) and paid for in full. His conversation with the police chief was chilling - to say the least. How does a person have such little regard for a person who served our great country and even went to war for it? How do you take the property of a man that you know has a broken body and a broken mind? How do you come strutting in with a warrant and take away someone's personal property? Out of their own yard. Off of their own property.

Tell me, City of Madison Heights, HOW DO YOU DO THAT and be able to sleep at night?

I know I won't sleep tonight. I'll be up all night.

My name is Leilani. I am on Suicide Watch. My boyfriend has Combat PTSD.

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