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Michigan DHHS: You're not "Judas Priest" - Quit Breaking the Law!

The arrogance of our court system never ceases to amaze me. From what was done to Mike to my girlfriend who got pulled over in the middle of moving and was caught with a bottle of "corked" wine in her vehicle and put on probation for it. She was not only stone cold sober but had her vehicle packed with all of her belongings - a pretty solid case for having an open bottle in her vehicle and lending to the credibility that she was obviously only moving the wine and not drinking it! One would think that common sense would prevail in most of these scenarios. However it seems that common sense has gone out the window in the State of Michigan and across the nation. This latest one blows me away.

According to Fox 2 Detroit, a Michigan couple was asked to give up their CPL Licenses and firearms in order to get custody of their grandson.


Now let's examine this a little bit before we even get into the "meat and potatoes" of this story.

  • It is a CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to bear arms in the United States of America.

  • The grandparents CLEARLY have a more stable home than their child who is losing the grandchild to begin with.

  • The grandparents are LEGAL gun owners. Not to mention the fact that the grandfather is a United States Marine.

Now that we have established these facts, let's delve into the case a little deeper. From reading the complaint, it was upon the recommendation of a Michigan Department of Health and Human Services worker that William and Jill Johnson have to give up their CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to bear arms in order to provide for their neglected grandson. When challenged, this recommendation was also upheld by a Michigan Judge.

According to Fox 2 News: the judge allegedly said during the hearing "we know that we are violating numerous constitutional rights here, but if you do not comply, we will remove the boy from your home."


So, we've got an ELECTED JUDGE telling citizens of the State of Michigan that he will VIOLATE THE CONSTITUTION in order to push the agenda of a state employee and himself?


Meet Nick Lyon, Public Enemy #1 or parentless grandchildren in the State of Michigan

Yet, he's still in office. Curiously, the complaint does not state the name of the judge however it does name Nick Lyon who is the current defendant in the lawsuit and the Director of the MDHHS. Praised as being a Yale graduate on the state's website, Nick Lyon is the head defendant in this lawsuit. Apparently Yale didn't teach Mr. Lyon that Federal Law ALWAYS supersedes the laws of the State. Hmmm.... now this is quite interesting, now isn't it? Nick Lyon who went to Yale feels that his and his department's agenda is more important than our Constitution and the rights of a scared and frightened child.

In my opinion, Nick Lyon is Public Enemy Number One to the children of the State of Michigan.

Although it is quite sad that not every parent has the ability to care for their children, what makes it an even further tragedy is that we now have an arrogant government pushing their own agenda and harming an innocent child. What child would rather be placed with strangers than go home to his Grandma and Poppa?

The answer to this is: NONE!

Why have we, as a nation, allowed the agenda of arrogant judges and state employees get such a stronghold in our lives that we no longer have any rights? We don't even have a right to our own offspring even though we have done NOTHING WRONG!

Is this just another case of taking one of our Warrior heroes and trying to turn him into a Zero?

Clearly Mr. and Mrs. Johnson are solid and upstanding citizens or else the State wouldn't have entertained the notion of giving the boy to them in the first place. What does their ownership of firearms have to do with their rights to provide a loving and stable home to their grandchild?

Again, the answer is NONE.

The way that Mike and I feel regarding his problems with the City of Madison Heights need to be applied in this scenario as well. Let's talk about this not just on the news and amongst ourselves but also with the people that are committing the lunacy. Let's "BE LIKE PRESIDENT TRUMP" and CALL BULLSHIT on this overreach of Government!

Here's the contact information for MDHHS:

General Information Phone: 517-373-3740

Mailing Address:

333 S. Grand Ave P.O. Box 30195 Lansing, Michigan 48909

There's also a web page where you can REPORT A PROBLEM WITH SOMEONE ELSE'S CASE.

WHY NOT flood their inbox with complaints about how they are treating this family?

Please and thank you are always free. Let's ask them to PLEASE quit wounding an already damaged child even further.

My name is Leilani. I am heartsick for this little boy and his grandparents. His grandfather is a Hero and not a Zero.

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