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As a "Warrior Lover", I try to communicate with as many Warrior Lovers as possible in an effort to not only fight this disorder called PTSD but also in an attempt to maybe save a life - or maybe a marriage. Having said this, I met another Warrior Lover who had a group moderator post something on a forum that was a cry for help. She asked for it. I responded.

Anyhow, we met online because of this group and we are now having very open communication. Fast forward a week, and my newfound friend just messaged me and told me about her latest experience with the VA. She got her husband to agree to an appointment. She made it. They got lost on the way there and ended up a little bit late for the appointment.

From her description, she said they were treated "very rude" when they got there. So much so, in fact, her husband exclaimed "You're the reason that Vets kill themselves!"


Now let's ask ourselves a question...

Why in GOD'S GREEN ACRES would anybody that works with Veterans act rude to a Vet that is in need? Why should MY FRIEND that WORKED HER ASS OFF (and trust me, she did!) to get her husband to even agree to go for treatment, get him through the doors and they're treated basically like shit?


I'll be the first person to tell you, when you live with a Combat Vet that suffers from PTSD, you feel SO ALONE. Next you have a person that FINALLY admits he has a problem and you THINK you have gotten his ass to counseling only to be put off at the door. Once again, you're alone.

How can you get your mind to follow if you can't even get your ass in the door?

The answer is: YOU CANNOT. She did everything right. She got him to the VA. He was shaking and crying all the way there. But she did it. And what does she get when she gets there?

A bitch ass of an intake person that WAS RUDE to them. THANK YOU SEATTLE VA!

How in the fack does that help anybody? It doesn't. However, we all got at least a little hope out of this situation. He attempted to show up. That's better than nothing.

When people ask us what it's like to live with a person that has Combat PTSD, we will all tell you the same thing.

It's YOU + ME + PTSD. The Monster is always in the room.

You've never seen true love until you've seen someone who's in love with a Warrior. They are always living in a three ring circus.

My name is Leilani. If I was a praying woman, I would ask that you pray for my friend Mary and her husband. But I'm not. I, instead, ask that you DEMAND better treatment of our Veterans from the VA. This circus needs to end.

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