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Dear Warrior Lover (What I WANT YOU to KNOW!)

Dear Warrior Lover,

It's been quite a journey for most of us. A lot of us have been together since my early days of writing books. For this, I thank you because we have both grown and learned.

However, even with all of my books that I've written and the tears that we have shed, I saw something today that made my heart turn to ice.

I saw this:

"You need to leave. Pack your stuff and go. As soon as you do he will probably become angry or suicidal. Call the police and say he is suicidal. They will get him help."


Yes, that's what I initially thought. (Pardon my lack of ladylike verbiage here. I DO live with a Marine so, ya know...) Advice was: Leave your Warrior, make a BIG DEAL OF IT and then call the cops on him?


Trigger your Warrior and then call the cops to effect his execution.

Because that's essentially what it boils down to...

Another dead Veteran.

Hey, I'm ALL ABOUT giving advice. That's why I write self help books. But that's also WHY I research my books and take a listen to the experts. That's why I talk to other Warrior Lovers. That's why I talk to other Combat Vets.

That's why that ONE STATEMENT turned my blood into ice.

I wanted to SCREAM FROM THE ROOFTOPS that you DO NOT call the cops on a Combat Vet UNLESS you are in fear for your life.

He will die.

Historically, this is the case. Pretty much on any given day, there is an article in a city in the United States that attests to this fact.

"Marine suffering from PTSD shot by Police"

Does that ring a bell? It should. Because it certainly rang my bell when it happened in a city not 20 miles away from my house. My house where I live with my Warrior that is also a Marine. A Marine that suffers from PTSD.

This COULD happen to us.

In fact, it can happen to ANY ONE of us that decides to get a little handy with the telephone if things aren't going our way. Am I saying you should allow yourself to be a victim of domestic violence?


But what I am saying is pretty simple.


When I see "advice" that was given like what I illustrated above, I want to cry. I mean, I literally almost break down in tears.

They will kill him.

This isn't me being dramatic either. This is just "a fact of life", as my father likes to say.

Some things are purely just "a fact of life". Like THE FACT that police involvement can trigger a Combat Vet. Then that aforementioned Combat Vet is triggered and will act irrationally. Sometimes even threateningly. Then we have...


No surprises there, huh? Who's to blame on that one? The mentally ill Combat Vet or the police who know that the person that they are dealing with has killed more people in one deployment then they will ever shoot in their whole career?

It's a chicken or the egg question... or is it?

I mean, the chicken can't be born unless the egg is hatched. So, BY YOU, calling the police on a Combat Vet for something he didn't do and maybe MIGHT DO, is a bit ahead of the game. Don't you agree?

I know, I think it is.

And yes, I'm ALL ABOUT the equal playing field for women. I have a degree. I have a career. I have two daughters. I was raised by TWO educated women. One of them was born in 1912 and got her degree in teaching. The other one was a teacher as well. Both HIGHLY MOTIVATED and successful women that were GREAT female role models. I also WAS in an abusive marriage.

Last time he hit me, I clocked him back.

I broke his nose actually. And yes, I'm pretty proud of myself for standing up FINALLY. However, what I'm talking about tonight goes way beyond an abusive relationship I had in my 20's with an alcoholic. He ended up in the drunk tank.

Not the cemetery.

And that's the difference. I'm not a cop. I'm also not a Combat Vet. But what I am is a person that lives with Combat PTSD and I watch the news. I read the stories.

And I wait...

I wait for something that will spark my interest. Or even infuriate me. So I can write.

And maybe even save a life...

So, dear Warrior Lover, what's it going to be? Will you make a mountain out of a mole hill and create even more drama in your drama ridden life? Or will you pick your battles wisely?

I suggest you do the latter.

Your Combat Vet's life will most certainly depend on it.

Love Always,


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